Lasting Relationships And The Law Of Attraction
When you're looking for a lasting romantic relationship everything you think, feel and believe makes a difference in how successful you will be in your search. The Law of Attraction has always been the driving force behind the kinds of people you have attracted into your life, whether or not you knew it.
The people in your life and the way they treat you is directly a result of the way YOU think about yourself. The simple fact is that your relationship with yourself is what attracts your friends and lovers or sends them away.
It is easy to start feeling fractured, or less that whole when you do not have a romantic relationship that consumes you with love and passion. You feel empty and search for love to make you feel whole. As long as you feel that way, the Law of Attraction will keep sending the same unsatisfying energy back at you.
Here's the truth: You are whole already. You never were empty and drained of the qualities that would make you whole once again. That feeling of emptiness, though, might be driving you to look for Mr. or Mrs. Right everywhere so you can feel connected and part of a relationship that completes you.
Unless you change the way YOU feel about yourself and start treating yourself the way you want to be treated, nothing will change in your relationships. Your search for a "soul mate" will come up empty.
Think about YOUR image of your "soul mate," or passionate lover, that you have been looking for most of your life. What picture do you have buried in your heart that the Universe keeps sending back to you in various forms? Was your image of the lover you want in your life crafted by Hollywood images or, even earlier, by fairytales? Might be time for a new image.
Here's a simple method of changing your relationship with yourself and making a new image of the perfect partner you wait for.
You are in total control of your reality. When you believe that you do not deserve a passionate relationship or that you have to create one that might be "good enough" from the people in your life that treat you shabbily, you are wrong.
Change your belief and your reality will change with it. That's the simple, but
extremely powerful, concept that will remove all the blockages you've created and start attracting better relationships for you.
It is YOUR job to make yourself happy and whole and not anyone else's responsibility. When your perfect partner, or romantic lover, drops into your life, you need to be happy, secure and a complete person, BEFORE they find you.
You are sending emotional frequencies to the Law of Attraction 24/7 when you focus on what you want from the Universe. That includes romantic partners. Feelings of desperation, lack and sorrowful need just attract more of the same to make you feel deeper desperation and need.
Feeling happy and fulfilled by the conditions of your life, including your own activities and accomplishments, will send frequencies of happiness to the Universe. You know what that means, don't you? The Universe will send you happy people to match the change in your feelings and beliefs. One of those happy people would probably be your life partner.
Simplicity is the call to action here. Your present state of lack or neediness was created by your relationship with yourself. Change that by moving your attitudes and beliefs about yourself into a more positive approach and your entire life will change for the better.
Visualize what you want like it was already a fact. Practice affirmations that are specific to what you want from the Universe. Consciously be grateful for the love already in your life. Just believe.