Use headphones for best results -- eight minutes of binaural beats and good-feeling thoughts about money, inspired by Abraham/Hicks suggestion to tell a new, better feeling story and consciously direct your thoughts in the direction that feels good. It's easy to believe your old habitual negative thoughts about abundance, and the media and people around you may support you in feeling bad. And you have the ability to think thoughts that feel good on purpose. Go ahead, just try them on, see if they feel good. If not, you can have your old, bad-feeling thoughts back!
If you find yourself resisting positive thoughts about abundance, use that opportunity to find out what habitual negative thinking you might be able to let go of.
Take a peek at "Money and the Law of Attraction," by Jerry and Esther Hicks (Abraham), and "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Ecker.