Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Who Do You Think You Are?

Who Do You Think You Are?

Turn around,
Put your foot on the ground,
Hold your hand out to the stars.

Who do you think,
Who do you think,
Who do you think you are?

Do you think that you’re a body,
A mind without a soul,
Parts with many pieces,
Nothing to make you whole.

Who do you think,
Who do you think,
Who do you think you are?

“What” you are is Money,
“What” you are is success.
“What” you are is anything else,
you “think” is happiness.

Who do you think,
Who do you think,
Who do you think you are?

Do you think that you’re a president,
A lawyer or a nurse,
Do you think you are a gardener,
Digging in the dirt.

Who do you think,
Who do you think,
Who do you think you are?

Have you found your happiness,
Is peace down in your soul,
Or are you smarter then anyone else,
Lost out of control.

Who do you think,
Who do you think,
Who do you think you are?

What do you teach your children,
Is it love, hate or fear,
When it’s time to hold them,
Do you draw them near?

Who do you think,
Who do you think,
Who do you think you are?

“Who” is not a body,
“Who” is a whole,
“Who” is part of everything else,
All the worlds can hold.

Who do you think,
Who do you think,
Who do you think you are?

Listen in the stillness
And your eyes will see,
Surrender, cease to struggle,
Your “who” will set you free.

Who do you think,
Who do you think,
Who do you think you are?