Sunday, June 20, 2010

How To Get Thousands of Visitors From Google

It’s easier than ever to get Google to send your blog thousands of visitors a month. Forget complicated terms like “keyword density”–let’s keep it simple. Here’s how, with about five minutes of work, you can get your blog ranked highly in Google for valuable search terms.

Video Highlights:

[0:20] First step: Go to Google and type in “Google keyword tool”. The first result is the Google Keyword Tool.
[0:51] I recommend typing in a question word, like “how”, “how to”, or “what”, followed by a generic word that describes your blog, like “business”.
[1:20] Sort by Global Monthly Search Volume. This is how many people, on average, search for this keyword in a month.
[1:42] Look for keywords that have between 70 and 10,000 searches per month.
[2:00] Important: You should only target one keyphrase with each of your blog posts.
[2:20] Your blog post title and permalink should be this exact keyphrase. Resist the urge to add extra words.
[2:25] Use your selected keyphrase several times in your blog post.
[2:31] Also important: Make sure that when people link to your blog post, they use that exact keyphrase. The best way to do this is to make it the title of your blog post.
[2:48] If you have a Wordpress blog, download the free All In One SEO Pack to modify your page title, keywords, and meta description.
[2:57] Your meta description is the sentence or two that appears below your blog post in Google search results.
[3:17] Guest posting, and linking to your blog post in the “blurb” at the end of your guest post, will help your post rank higher in the search engines.
[3:48] Use this simple system to get thousands of visitors to your blog every month!

Have you had good results from using the Google Keyword Tool to rank your blog posts well in the search engines? Let us know in the comments.

About the Author: After selling her online business for $1,100,000.00 at age 26, Erica Douglass “temporarily retired.” She now shows you how to grow your own business to $1,000,000 via her You can also download her free Blog Success Manifesto — which contains 30 tactical tips to grow your blog faster than you ever have before.