Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Knowledge Is Power

Knowledge is power
Knowledge will set you free
Free in your mind
Free to think
& decide for yourself.

The Law of Attraction [Quote]

If you shine the spotlight on something you don't wont, it will get bigger, it is law. It's the Law of Attraction.

- Abraham-Hicks

Friday, July 02, 2010

Oprah Interviews Abraham & Esther

For those of you that are new to Law of Attraction or Abraham Hicks this is especially worth looking into, and for those of you with a bit more 'experience' there's enjoyment in listening to Esther and Abraham I'm sure.

This is an interview Oprah did with Esther and Abraham on her Oprah XM Radio show last year. If I remember correctly, in the first audio she interviews Esther and in the subsequent ones she speaks to Abraham and asks various questions of them, about what or who is Abraham, Law of Attraction, 9/11, their involvement with The Secret, and other questions.

You can click on them to listen to them online or, depending on your browser, right click on them and Save Target/Link As

Oprah & Esther/Abraham 1
Oprah & Esther/Abraham 2
Oprah & Esther/Abraham 3


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Promise Myself

* Click on the image to see it in high quality *

I Promise Myself...

To be so strong
that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity
to every person I meet.

To make all my friends feel
that there is something worthwhile in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything
and make my optimism come true.

To think only of the best, to work only for the best
and to expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
as I am about my own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on
to the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful expression at all times
and give a smile to every living creature I meet.

To give so much time to improving myself
that I have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
not in loud words, but in great deeds.

To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side,
so long as I am true to the best that is in me.

Never Give Up

“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”

- Babe Ruth

Abraham-Hicks: 17 Seconds

Abraham-Hicks: 17 Seconds

Abraham-Hicks: 17 Seconds To More Money

Monday, June 28, 2010

Urban Legends that are More Like Urban Facts

Candy and Razor Blades

The Legend

You take your children out for a night of Halloween fun. You spend all night walking your child around the neighborhood allowing them load up on candy. You return home and are exhausted. You turn on the TV and settle down with your kids to finish the Halloween night watching scary movies on TV. Your children dump their candy out and begin chowing down. Suddenly you hear a scream from one of your children and he runs to you, his mouth filled with blood. He is crying with pain. He has a huge gash in his mouth. You begin to examine the candy bar your child was eating and to your horror and disgust you see a razor blade protruding from the chocolate.

The Facts

The majority of the documented cases of the razor blade in the candy can usually be traced to a prank pulled by a teen looking to have fun on Halloween. While I believe stuffing candy with sharp objects is inexcusable, in most cases the full intent to harm another is usually not the motivation in most instances. It is usually done as a playful prank to freak out parents or little brothers, but there are cases that break that mold.

In Minneapolis an incident occurred on Halloween of the year 2000. 49-year-old James Joseph Smith was arrested after he put needles inside of snickers bars and then handing them out to children during the Halloween festivities. A 14-year-old boy was pricked with a needle after biting into the bar and other children were also injured, luckily none had to be taken to the hospital.

Phone Call From The Dead

The Legend

Tommy and Cassidy were a happily married couple and had been married for 25 years. They had two children together all of whom were grown. One rainy day while on his way to work Tommy hydroplaned off the road and crashed into a telephone pole. The crash turned out to be fatal. Cassidy and her two children were distraught by the loss. About a week after Tommy’s death something peculiar began to happen. Cassidy and her two children both began receiving calls on their cell phones from Tommy’s old number.

The Facts

This legend has been used as the plot for many fictional television shows and has been retold countless times, but there is fact to this legend. There are actual supposedly true stories that are similar to this that date back to the early 90s, but the most well documented instance of this urban legend coming to life occurred in 2008.

On September 18, 2008 in California’s San Fernando Valley a commuter train collided with a freight train. Andrea Katz heard about the crash on the radio and to her horror realized that her fiancée, Charles Peck, was on the commuter train. For 11 hours after the crash, Peck’s cell phone placed 35 calls to different loved ones. Peck had called his stepmother, his son, his sister, his brother, and his fiancée Andrea. Each time they answered the phone they got static and when they attempted to call him back it went strait to his voicemail. Rescuers used Peck’s cell phone signal to locate him. Charles Peck was drug from the wreckage 12 hours after the crash. It was determined that he had died on impact and yet somehow he had managed to call all of his loved ones.

Halloween Decoration Turns Out To Be Real

The Legend

A group of teens are up to some tricking on Halloween. They are throwing toilet paper in the trees of a house, when a particularly gruesome decoration hanging from a tree catches their eye. The decoration depicts a hanging man, the teens decide to knock down the decoration and steal it in other to use the macabre décor in some other Halloween shenanigans. The group succeed in knocking down the decoration they go to retrieve their prize only to discover that the fake Halloween decoration is an actual dead body.

The Facts

There are actually several well-documented cases of something similar to this actually happening. On October 26, 2005 the corpse of a 42-year-old women was left hanging from a tree, suspended 15 feet in the air on display to the entire city of Frederica, Delaware. Similarly in October of 2009, the decaying corpse of a 75-year-old suicide victim was left on a patio for three days before someone realized he was not a Halloween decoration.

In another similar event, the television crew for the show The Six Million Dollar Man prepared to shoot a scene in the haunted house at the Nu-Pike Amusement Park in Long Beach, California. They were removing a hanging corpse prop when the arm fell off and they saw bones inside it. To their horror, the hanging corpse was a real body. It was discovered that the body was that of the outlaw Elmer McCurdy who had been killed and his body and been sold and resold time and time again before it ended up as an amusement park prop.

Dead Bodies Under Hotel Bed

The Legend

A vacationing couple stop at a hotel for a night of relaxing. Upon entering their room they are bombarded by an awful odor. They complain to the hotel staff about it, but they say that there is nothing they can do. The couple tries to withstand the smell, but it eventually becomes unbearable. They decide that they themselves will seek out the source of the smell. They trace the odor to the bed. The man lifts the mattress and discoveries a dead body hidden there.

The Facts

This legend is so rooted in fact that there are examples of this actually happening in hotels and motels all across the United States dating from 1982 to now. For example, on July 10, 2003 at the Capri motel in Kansas City a man complained of a foul odor in his room. Management believed the man was over exaggerating the smell and gave him some air freshener. The man withstood the smell for three days before checking out. On July 13, housekeeping discovered a decomposing body under the mattress.

Source: Author Jonathan Kaulay Copyrighted ©

Strangest creature found on Earth

I don’t think these photos requires any special comment. These are fantastic world news worthy of headlining any newspaper around the world. This creature, was found on Thailand, its strangely shaped body leaves a lot of mastery around it . The photographer has captured with his camera a truly unique and amazing moment, and got himself a fantastic photographs that make up a great story.

As all good mysteries it happens in far away from the technology wonders of the modern society in Thailand. You can see a lot of local folks in the background of these photos that seem to worship this creature they have “found”. The end result is an even more absurd and even humorous scene. They managed to get me even more amazed by this baby powder and juices they brought as a tribute to this creature. They have even brought a fan to keep it well preserved for the scientists.

Lets turn to the main subject, or should I say object, of this photo series the fantastically colored and shaped body of the creature. There has been a lot of debates about what this creature might be and that is exactly the beauty of mystery, the inability to solve it. It might be some kind of strange animal, it even looks like a mythical creature. Honestly I don’t know what to think about this event. These photographs do raise more questions than answers…


Abraham-Hicks: Get Happy!

Abraham-Hicks - "Get Happy"

Abraham-Hicks: This will make you laugh!

101 Ways to Make Money Online

(part time or full time and working at home)


There's no catch and I'm not trying to sell you an ebook. Or anything (read about conmen who do). I'm not even signing you up for a newsletter. This list was put together more as a laugh. It may change your life. Or it may annoy you enormously because of its er, brevity. I hope it does both.

Some ideas here are nice and have halos, others smell of dog urine ... but all these methods allegedly generate lotso dosho and every single one is legal at least somewhere. There's overlap in everything so some ideas may be repeated (and some may not be covered at all) but I'm still maintaining there are 101 ways to make money online, partly because it makes a good headline. No, solely because it makes a good headline. It sucked YOU in, didn't it?

No, you won't get anything for nothing but there are a lot of things you can get for nearly nothing. Like getting to pick holes in my list. Go ahead. Pick holes and then link back here to show people how stupid I am.

I've put together a lot of these ideas from thousands of hours discussing businesses for sale with their owners. They've shared with me how their businesses operate, how they make money online, how they built their businesses up etc. They've given me access to their traffic stats, their earnings and accounts and tax figures. Many even gave me access to their Adsense or other "main earner" accounts. Some of those businesses were so irresistible that I bought them. And sold them. And bought others. It's a game. I love it.

Most of these business ideas can be run from anywhere in the world, even the United States, Australia and other non-English speaking countries. For consistency sake all figures are quoted in US dollars.

Each method is summarised in a single small para so appreciate it's not the complete unabridged version. And, no, I haven't tried each one so out of the 101 business models to make money online 102 may be completely dud. But, I do intend expanding - in due course - on some of the money-making ideas that worked for me.

More disclaimers will come when people sue me (suing can make you money, see #66)

Read the full article with the 101 ways to make money online here